It is always better to bring more clothes for different looks. A greater choice allows the team to look over things and see what fits you best and for what shoots best.
patterns and logos (unless it is the look you are going for)
white clothing (especially if needing black+white images, washes out person or makes body look larger)
patterns that are textured or Euro-stiched jackets (music promo shoot or highlighting your sports background)
striped clothing when used for sports look or done well (see image of dress shirt)
textured white or creams that is pieced with a jacket (see image)
white top or textured dress shirt for the purpose of looking younger (aging down)
it may work depending on colouring and lighting, so some white pieces can work
Colour, Colour, Colour*
Textured materials, classic colours and subtle details (such as the grain of the material, pinstripe, weaving etc)
Anything that shows beautifully in photographs without drawing attention away face.
A camousal for women or a sleeveless (goes with other pieces)
A couple coloured undershirt (aka plain beater) or two colours is usually a good idea
A solid fitted t-shirt or muscle tee
Comfortable jackets (jeans, leather, yoga, sports – try your best to avoid logos if possible)
Blouse tops with and without shimmer
Pants and jeans (if your images need to show 2/3 body)
Footwear not necessary unless you are needing a full body shot
Model portfolio clients can contact us and meet with our stylist for more details
These items can be worn under dress shirts, blouses, suits, or jackets. Thus there is the ability to add layering to the look or removing layers to show off muscle or figure (if needed for your headshot)
Colour is important for branding as well as differentiating you.
Find colours that bring out your eye colours (blues for blue/green eyes or greens, brown, yellow for brown eyes).
2012 – 2021 colours standard colours are greys, blacks, and white but think of those colours as background and find tops that pop
Corporate clients can piece some colouring from their brand into their outfits.
Know what colours works best on you.
Certain yellows compliment olive skin and brown skin.
Dark blues compliment all skin tones.
Reds show up great in photos for actor headshots.
Bright colours brighten and freshen up the face.
Darks tones add a bit of tan.
Wine, maroon, plum, pink give clients more pigmentation if they have a light skin tone.
Logos are copyrighted and also distracting for certain types of headshots. Sometimes a piece just looks great but the logo is on it. There is an extra retouching fee if the logo is too large or if we need to photo stitch and correct the situation.
Please feel free to accesorize!
Corporate clients may want to bring something that connects them to their specific work or convey their personality and brand.
For men, a particular tie or ring might be interesting or even smart phone device.
For women, a subtle piece/s of jewelry or a scarf may be an option.
For actors and musicians, some accessories help create a feel or character. If it is too busy or distracting to the composition, we will let you know. (Think Vanity Fair Johnny Depp)
Less is more unless you are totally going for a certain look.
Our image/clothing stylists can be booked if needed.
CHILDREN | What to look for:
Casual clothing is the best.
Find clothing that brings out the colour of their eyes.
Jeans and shorts (capris) are fine as well.
A sweater, jackets, jeans jacket, sports jacket, hoodie, leather jacket
Different outfits for the seasons
Special talents, sports outfits:
Sometimes an image showcasing a talent or interest as part of his or her resume. If you agent is requesting that, please bring appropriate wear to convey this.
For example a martial art jacket, dancing outfit, or hip hop jacket or belt. We may shoot it with the entire outfit or a hint of it.
If there is a big of modelling or commercial modeling involved, bring a simple summer dress (girls) or dress shirt (GAP like) and khaki pants (boys) that he or she may potential wear for a paid shoot.
Trends change in marketing.
2012-2021 is about the corporate casual look.
For women, we suggest finding tops, blazers with a bit of pizzaz or styling that says, “this is me” while mirroring your the clients you work with. For men, changing it up and finding a well fitted dress shirt and jacket (tight and fit on the shoulders) help. Though you can change it up with a sweater over a dress shirt for your “about you” section on your website.
Though we do not mean to endorse these brands, Banana Replubic, MEXX, and RW & Company have outfits that are sharp and cater the corporate look for both the West Coast and East Coast. Some retro outfits and dresses can work as well as that is in. Sears downtown Vancouver, have these brands from 6 months prior for less and Winners does provide some great options. You need to know the look you are going for.
Beware of t-shirt material or cotton blouses that may show up faded and may not match the brand look you are going for. Book one of our image consultants and she’ll shop with you if you’d like.
There are several looks to help you in your work and auditions.
The creative canvas
Not only do you want your headshot to look like you, you want something that gives those casting you a canvas to work with.
Simplicity is they key, so your clothing, posture, make-up and countenance is about capturing your “charisma, essence, and personal best”
Find clothing fit well, avoid covering up (too many layers, scarves, baggy stuff), relax and enjoy facing a camera straight on.
Rings, noserings, tatoos:
If this is who you are, great. If it the look you want to be represented in, we will shoot you with it. However the open canvas is to help you book jobs. It is easier to imagine you with something on than it is to imagine you with it off. So if we need to cover up something or have a ring removed, please let us know so we can prepare for your shoot.
Range of character
Introverted or extroverted, actors come in all shapes and personalities. Booking parts does mean showcasing your range of chops. It is usually best via a demo reel but headshots can help.
So find clothing and outfits to help you express your range of looks and characters you would like to be casted for.
Break stereotypes or hightlight them in your look.
EG A pair of glasses on or holding glasses gives the hint of geekness or smarts or a blazer can convey either a corporate look or an “investigator” look
If you are needing more looks, book the appropriate package or you can always purchase more images beyond your package in the future.